Eastern Star Baptist Church was organized in 1924 under the leadership of the late Rev. Gilliams. The location of the church at that time was 800 Houston Avenue, then known as the "Red Quarters". The church later moved to Short Texas Avenue, then to 15th Street. After a terrible windstorm, it relocated on Marion Anderson Avenue.
Rev. Roach was called to pastor the church and remained until 1928.
Rev. S. M. Franklin was called to Pastor. Due to circumstances beyond his control, resigned.
Rev. Broxton served as acting Pastor until Rev. Franklin returned later on in the year.
Rev. Rufus Collins was called to Pastor. Under his leadership the Church was sold and a new sanctuary was built at 300 West 13th Street. Rev. Collins served as Pastor until February 26, 1959.
The Associate Pastor, Rev. Elijah Williams served as acting Pastor from February 26 until Rev. Luther B. Wade was called to pastor on June 7, 1959.
Under the leadership of Rev. Wade, a sanctuary was purchased at 548 East 15th Street on July 26th
Under the leadership of Rev. L. B. Wade a vision to build a new sanctuary was given to the congregation.
On October 30th, after 31 years of faithful service, due to failing health, Rev. Wade retired. Associates ministers: Rev. A.P. Thomas, Rev. Joseph Crook, Sr., the late Rev. Jesse Jones, and Rev. David Godly served faithfully until the Lord sent Rev. L. W. Scott, Sr.
In June, Rev. Scott was called to pastor. On Sunday, September 17th, a formal installation service was held.
The vision that began under the leadership of Rev. Wade continued to progress. On November 18th a formal groundbreaking ceremony was held.
On September 29th, under the leadership of Pastor L. W. Scott, Sr. services were held in our new sanctuary. Praise God it was debt free!! A formal "Victory Celebration" was observed during the week of October 20-27.
In August, the old sanctuary which was located behind our present sanctuary was demolished. Preparing the ground for "Phase 2", (the Educational Wing and Fellowship Hall) an informal ground breaking ceremony was held on Sunday, November 1st, immediately following morning service. Construction began during that week.
"Phase 2" was completed. On November 20th (Homecoming '94 & Dollar-A-Day Building Fund Program) Sunday school was held in the new educational wing and dinner was served for the first time in the new fellowship hall. Once again, Praise God, it was debt free!!
1995 The church parking lot was completed in April. The church marquee was erected on September 21st. Again, all debt free. To God be the Glory!!
Two new Ford vans were purchased, debt free! A tape ministry and the "Men In Action" auxiliary was organized.
During the summer, on lot adjacent to the church was purchased. This property will be used to build a Family Life Center. Rev. Donald Tatmon was hired as Youth Pastor. The first boys scout troop and a Singles' Ministry was organized.
Two more lots adjacent to the church wee purchased to build our Family Life Center. A "Family Support Ministry" was organized.
More property adjacent to the church was purchased.
The "Steadfast Teens Actively Raising the Standards" (S. T. A. R. S.) group was organized. Street Ministry and Couples Ministry were organized. Acquisition of the property adjacent to the church is completed. The church hired a full-time secretary for the first time in its history and the business offices is open and operating during the week.
More property was purchased for our future family life center. A full time janitor was hired. The youth mime praise group was established. Our foreign mission is active helping people in Haiti.
This year we are Most grateful and thankful to our Heavenly Father for protecting us during the evacuation due to "Hurricane Rita" that hit Port Arthur on September 24th. We were away for 3 weeks. Upon our return, although our town had much devastation, we found only a few missing shingles and a damaged steeple collapsed off our building. We were so elated to see our Brothers and Sisters in the Lord. Love was really flowing.
This year found us still in the process of believing God for manifestation of finances for the FLC. Due to fact that our sister Church was destroyed during Hurricane Rita; Pastor Scott opened our doors for them to have service at 8 a.m. However, they preferred to worship with us during our regular 11 a.m. service. Little did we know what God had in store for the two Churches. On Sunday, May 28th, Pastor Scott announced to the Eastern Star Family that under the leadership of Rev. Vester Thompson, the True Faith Family would consolidate with us. On Sunday, June 11th a formal consolidation was held. They are truly a blessing to The Eastern Star Family! As Pastor Scott, stated, “they did not come broke.” as Pastor until February 26, 1959.
Praise God for His faithfulness. We’re getting closer to the manifestation of our FLC. Rev. Donald Tatmon resigned as Youth Pastor.
Rev. Vester Thompson was hired as Youth Pastor. We had two mandatory evacuations this year; (Hurricane Ike and Gustav threatened Port Arthur). We didn’t have service for three weeks. God protected our Church family. The church had a few minor damages.
This year found us still in the process of believing God for manifestation of finances for the FLC.
More property was purchased adjacent to the church. Thank God, we now own all of the property from Waco Ave to Austin Ave. The last lot was really a faith fight! But thank God, for his faithfulness!
3-S Men Ministry (Parking Lot Attendants) was organized.
ESBC Greeters were organized.
Health Ministry organized by Sis. LaQuanta Gray.
Hope after Harvey: ESBC housed a Laundromat, showers, and offered meals through the Red Cross to help the community after Hurricane Harvey devastated Port Arthur on August 28, 2017. The city continues rebuilding efforts post Harvey. Pastor Scott took a sabbatical for personal reasons.
Pastor Lloyd W. Scott, Sr. retired as Senior Pastor of Eastern Star Baptist Church on June 12, 2022, after 33 years of leadership. The pulpit was declared vacant; the pulpit committee gave its recommendations.
Rev. Vester Thomson, Jr. was announced as Pastor Elect of Eastern Star at 548 pm on Sunday, June 12, 2022. Installation service for Pastor Thompson was July 17, 2022.
Pastor Thompson's first year anniversary. This year ESBC invested in an electronic marquee so that no one has to climb a ladder to change the old marquee. Also, new ministries include the Seasoned Saints ministry for 65 and older members and friends and Singles with a Testimony which is geared toward those who are single, no matter the age. The Health Ministry which began in 2023 was also reorganized. Three new deacons began their training journey.
Ordination of Deacons Herbert Calcote, Charles George, and Dennis Johnson by Pastor Thompson with Pastor Kurt Washington.
Health Ministry re-established by Sis. Doris Viltz.
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